Photo of Jorge Murad Argentina

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Born in him south en el Argentino year 1956. Currently residing in la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. A los Diez años, participates in a tender spot and he obtiene first prize. Follows with sus su in pencil until the first year of secondary school, technical incursions into dibujo y pintura. You're pretty as su Ejército this merger and integration of color...

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Photo of Jorge Murad Argentina

Born in him south en el Argentino year 1956. Currently residing in la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. A los Diez años, participates in a tender spot and he obtiene first prize. Follows with sus su in pencil until the first year of secondary school, technical incursions into dibujo y pintura. You're pretty as su Ejército this merger and integration of color (preferably Aunque fue su shadows and he can degrade color). In that moment, he ejercicio fue muerta y algunos about nature paisajes.Pasan los años ... and if you follow descubriendo ... but since la Soledad de su shy, bewilderment and Deseos wire locked. Course of undergraduate studies in Derecho, several forays into areas that always solitary and silent, but constant desire to search. In particular time, focused and interested in variables that guide the design.

Since hare fifteen years and specializes in consultancy dedicated to image optimization spaces (diseño, design and remodel), and settle in progress where Hoy su potential: he drawing and painting. Sensitive but intense, lonely but creative. Worried that he otro, por la Justice and equal oportunidades.Qué paint? Abstract Expressionism. With mixed techniques and use of Dripping collage.Pintura Action (Action Painting). Action scale. . You are a creation in itself is a snapshot meeting between the materials and su interior, which is shaped in a bell es una imagen success. You Abstract Expressionism from the spontaneous and in this case marked by a certain degree of obsesividad in a break with conventionality routine.

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